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AMI_TIRAv Portal

STAGE-28 portal: AMI_TIRAv.1

Welcome to the STAGE-28 portal. It is designed to serve four primary purposes:

  1. To measure your psychological symptoms and strengths, then inform you of them privately by e-mail.
  2. To measure changes in symptoms and strengths after your session(s) to monitor progress.
  3. To assess the performance of your facilitator(s).
  4. To collect data, de-identify it and use it in research to promote mental health across the world.
  5. High quality data depends on your willing and honest participation. The data collected here will be stored on STAGE-28’s encrypted servers in accordance with European standards of GDPR, regarded as the highest in the world. It cannot be accessed by anyone outside STAGE-28 International’s professional team. The questionnaires on the portal should take no more than 12 minutes to complete. If you change your mind about allowing your data to be used in research let us know and, if unused, we will trace and delete it. It is recommended you read the downloadable Participant Information Sheet and provide your consent to take part: Download here.

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